Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Just a great way to come back to work!

Today was my first day at work after my extra long Easter long weekend..and guess what..I am as sick as a dog. I am probably feeling like how the lion felt in the picture...just so sorry for myself. My wife has been brewing ginger drink for me for the past 2 nights to keep me going. I love the drink and I think we should open up a ginger beer brewery, seriously good stuff if not better than Bundeburg :)

I got my new Canon IS lens yesterday in city! It's a considerable upgrade from the kit lens which came bundled with my camera and I absolutely love it. I can't wait for the weekend so I can head out there to snap some shots.


WAYNE SEOW said...

That's what you get when you take 5 days off work, slacker!! :)
That lion looks pretty contented to me. Eat, sleep, service a few lionesses, and sleep somemore. Sounds good to me!

Tina Di Mauro said...

Very interesting blog. Kiss kiss

WAYNE SEOW said...

Look Prawn, you've got a new friend!
Hello, la cuoca (would like to know what that means in italian).
Can you give us a good authentic recipe to make a pizza base?

kimtojin said...

Hi la cuoca...thanks for dropping by...great recipe blog u have, wish you have an english version. Hey waynus..didn't know u r into cooking :)