Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Addicted to Coffee

One for me, one for her :)

Today is only Wednesday but you know it is a "long week" when it feels like a Thursday or even Friday today! Work was pretty flat out in the past couple of days following the long weekend and I think I am just about to have enough!

wonder how I make those patterns on my coffee? Well, I am pretty new at this as well but I don't mind to share it with you if you are interested. First, you will need an espresso machine with a steam wand of course. Don't have to be a fancy one because mine isn't. Start with really cold milk in a stainless steel jug filled to about 1/3 full. Colder milk allows you to "stretch" the milk a little bit longer without "burning" the milk.

Start with the steam wand's tip just breaking the surface of the milk. This will help draw in more air into the milk and you know you are doing the right thing when you hear the occassional "hissing" sound. Be careful not to add too much volume to your milk, about 10-20% is sufficient I think. After that, lower the steam wand slightly into the milk and continue "whip" the milk around the jug with the steam until the jug is too hot for you hold in your hands. Turn off the steam but keep the milk moving in the jug to avoid separation of foam from milk. Pour about 2/3 of the milk gently toward the centre of your espresso shot in your cup, then start from the outer edge, swaying the milk from side to side while drawing the jug towards you. Then pour the reminder in a straight line back towards the outer edge.

What I have found is that you have to pour the milk gently but fast enough (but not too fast) to prevent the foam from leaving behind in the jug. Too much foam is no good, and nor does too little. It's all about striking the balance and to achieve that, keep drinking coffee and practicing every single damned day!! :)