Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Gift...

A belated happy Valentine's day everyone! These three shots basically summarized what we did yesterday :) We spent most of our evening at the King's Park, the beautiful waso (West Australian Symphony Orchestra) concert as our background music, lots of food to feast on (ahem...KFC!) and a bottle of cool classic white to keep us going, what more could we ask for? hehe!

The weather wasn't the best though with sporadic spit and threatening cloud, but at the end it turned out to be a great night.

We decided to head down to South Perth on our way back just to remind ourselves how beautiful Perth really is!

(nb last shot - f/11, 15sec, 50mm, iso250, giant wooden pole as monopod :))


WAYNE SEOW said...

So what's in the box? Let me guess.... a crystal Ox??
Ox in a box?


kimtojin said...

Hehe...well, it's a pair of crystal earrings :) Got it a day before at Garden City. I tried to shoot some photos of them but they didn't turn out the way I wanted, perhaps I need a light box or something...or perhaps it was me...? btw, I am having a bit of trouble trying to get my 50mm to focus right.