Monday, April 5, 2010

Meet Joel Salom

Went to Fremantle on last Friday to check out the street events during the Fremantle Arts Festival 2010 but it proved to be a rather futile effort as I got the dates all messed up. It turned out that the event was actually scheduled for the next three days! We were going to go yesterday but we ran out of time (woke up too late to be precise). Fortunately, we managed to get our act together and made it back down to Fremantle this afternoon. It was a very family orientated event and we had a fantastic time down there. There were so many great shows by so many talented local and international artists, performers and comedians. However, I dare to say the show by Joel Salom was the best out of the lots. He is a great comedian, musician and a brilliant juggler, and his little robot dog (Erik) act is hilarious. Here are some of the shots I took during his performance, more photos to come on my photoblog soon!