Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another cup?

Actually in this one I kinda cheated a little bit. Because the coffee grind that I used was not dark enough, I actually dusted my espresso shot with some cocoa powder first before I pour the milk. I quite like the effect and the milk foam actually tastes quite good as well!

For latte art, the rounded base coffee cup supposed to be the best because it allows milk foam to produce better swirls with the coffee shot....well, a decent set of coffee cups is certainly on my shopping list next time :)


WAYNE SEOW said...

Dude! I'm impressed! That's much better than what I've been able to manage. I can only do mushrooms at the moment :(

kimtojin said...

It's ok dude, this one was an "accident" anyway, don't count me to reproduce it anytime soon :P